• when performance matters

    athletes choose

    Fahrenheit Performance

  • unlocking human performance

    because bike fitting is just the beginning..

    Fahrenheit Performance Clinical Bike Fit


    we provide physiotherapy to unlock the athletes full potential

    bike fitting

    we use the latest tools and technology in our studio during a bike fit, but the quality of the fit depends more on the training and skill level of the fitter than the technology used.

    Cycling insoles

    performance insoles

    we can provide semi-custom and fully custom insoles

    Fahrenheit Performance Bike Fit

    cycling analytics

    we provide education about riding techniques and correcting bad habits

    Fahrenheit Performance Clinical Bike Fit

    cycling biomechanics

    We team up a bike fitter and a physiotherapist to determine the best fit so the body and bike can work as efficiently as possible.

    Powered by Fahrenheit Performance

    powered by Fahrenheit Performance

    physiotherapy, bike fitting, adjustments to equipment, education & biomechanics.... that is being powered by Fahrenheit Performance.

  • who is Fahrenheit Performance?

    Fahrenheit Performance is a group of Allied Health Professionals and Sports and Performance Enthusiasts who believe in optimising human potential through the manipulation of mechanics and sports science.

    Fahrenheit Performance - Martin Choo

    Martin Choo

    MSc, BEng

    Cycling Performance Engineer

    Martin has a Masters Degree from Columbia University and an Engineering degree from University of Western Australia. While studying and living in the USA, he was an avid cyclist and competitive racer in the Northern CA amateur racing circuit. Now based in Singapore, Martin founded Fahrenheit Performance and has the role of the Cycling Performance Engineer & Bike Fitter. He works on the interface between the mechanics of the body and bicycle to optimise performance by manipulating physics and biomechanical changes with the rider’s musculoskeletal conditions while increasing performance and reducing injury.

    Martin is a certified bike fitter (RETUL Master Fitter, Gebiomized - Level 2, SICI - Certified) and also a USA Cycling Coach (Level 2). He has worked with competitive cyclists in Singapore, USA and Australia.


    Fahrenheit Performance - Dr Belinda Ting

    Belinda Ting


    Principal Physiotherapist

    Belinda graduated from Columbia University's (New York) College of Physicians & Surgeons and earned a Masters and Doctorate in Physical Therapy specializing in Orthopaedics and Pediatrics in 2003. In her 9 years of working in the USA, she worked alongside renowned Sports and Orthopaedic Surgeons in Stanford and at the Palo Alto Medical Foundation to help local high school, collegiate and professional athletes reach their goals. As an Orthopedic Certified Specialist since 2006, she became a clinical instructor to USC, Northwestern University, University of Miami and SUNY Buffalo physical therapy students. In 2008, she became a Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy.

    Belinda is also trained in Classical Pilates and teaches Pilates to patients with low back, neck pain, athletes, cancer patients and post op patients.

  • services we provide

    it's all about increasing your comfort & performance

    Fahrenheit Performance Bike Fit

    dynamic bike fit

    Fftting the bike to the body

    A bike fit is the evaluation of the rider’s physical condition and needs, then adjusting the rider’s position accordingly. With the evolution of sports science, cyclists are looking for marginal gains in order to win races, be most aerodynamic and to become a more efficient athlete, but some just want to ride more comfortably or pain free.

    Sometimes, it’s about fitting for comfort vs aerodynamics with goal of reducing injuries and improving efficiency.

    Fahrenheit Performance Clinical Bike Fit

    clinical bike fit

    fitting the body to the bike

    If a traditional bike fit is fitting the bike to the body, a clinical bike fit also fits the body to the bike. During the functional assessment if there are any pathologies that can be facilitated through physiotherapy then it will be done prior to the start of the on-bike analysis. At times the bike needs adjustments and other times it is the body that needs adjusting. We team up a bike fitter and a physiotherapist to determine the best fit so the body and bike can work as efficiently as possible.

    powered by Fahrenheit Performance

    cycling analytics

    educating the rider about pedaling technique and positional awareness

    a lot can be learned from watching a rider pedal and how they sit on the saddle and hold the handlebars.

    correcting bad habits improves efficiency and performance.

    Fahrenheit Performance Cycling Coach

    power profiling

    understanding your strengths & weaknesses

    we first benchmark the Riders Power Profile by Index efforts of 5 s, 1 min, 5 min, and Functional Threshold Power [FTP] as they best reflect neuromuscular power, anaerobic capacity, maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) and lactate threshold (LT).

    this information can then be used to plan an indivualised training program, identify the rider's strengths & weaknesses and target events where they might be expected to achieve the greatest success.

    Fahrenheit Performance Cycling Coach

    customised training plans

    tailored to your needs

    based on your power profile we can build a custom training plan to suit your individual needs.

    from a weekend warriors just trying not to get dropped on group rides to elite cyclists training to win the national championships, we can plan a plan for you.

    all workouts are designed to elicit an appropriate response based on your history and goals.

  • some would call this a Blog

    thoughts, inspiration & everything in between...

    2021年12月16日 · core body temp,coaching,training
    Part I - why is everyone measuring body temperature? Until recently, determining your internal temperature in real time required swallowing a thermetric pill then using a gadget to track your temperature as it worked its way through your body. But this has been made a thing of the past with the...
    2020年9月5日 · Cycling,bike fit,Clinical Bike Fit
    a brief recap Recently someone asked me to write a short bio on Fahrenheit Performance and I had myself scratching my head a little about what to say. Do I write about Fahrenheit Performance Bike Fitting? Fahrenheit Performance Coaching? the Fahrenheit Performance Development Team? or simply...
    2017年5月16日 · bike fit
    white-collar – adjective /wʌɪt / ˈkɒlə/relating to the work done or the people who work in an office or other professional environment.Refers to employees whose job entails, largely or entirely, mental or clerical work, such as in an office.  cyclist - noun /ˈsʌɪklɪst/a person who rides a bicycle...
    2017年1月2日 · bike fit,Physiotherapy,Clinical Bike Fit
    this was first written for SPIN ASIA issue 50, but after I had sent the final draft to the editors.... well I made some changes to improve it. That's why its a directors cut... the original article can stand alone, but this enhances it. Everyone has heard of ergonomics, especially in the...
    2016年11月4日 · bike fit,Cycling
    Well its almost 2017 and bike fitting has been around for many years now, the technology may have improved but the fundamentals are still the same... Adjust the bike to suit the rider and their goals, style, fitness and mobility. So “bike fitters” have been popping up all over the world with...
    2016年10月25日 · pilates,Cycling
    Cyclists are always searching for ways to improve their performance through marginal gains. We get bike fits, do interval training, add carbon and titanium, cut weight, upgrade equipment, add more carbon, follow strict nutrition plans all in an attempt to gain a few grams/watts/seconds. But what...
    2016年10月12日 · bike fit,Cycling
    Cycling is a low-impact sport and often recommended as a way to recover from injury or surgery so why is it that besides lower back pain, the next most common complaint I hear from riders coming into my studio is knee pain? While many cyclists experience knee pain, in most cases the cause it isn...
    2016年5月1日 · bike fit,Cycling,podiatry
    We talk about frames, wheels, components, groupsets, jerseys, shoes, helmets and even glasses… but when was the last time that cycling insoles came up in your after ride coffee with your riding buddies? Cycling insoles and orthotics are one the least discussed aspects in our sport but one that...
    2016年1月1日 · bike fit,Cycling
    There are many bike fitting protocols out there today, from the traditional SICI and BikeFit™ static bike fit systems to the 3D motion capture systems of RETUL and GURU. I think of bike fitting as a bit like kung fu, there are many schools out there but they all lead to a similar place with not...
  • social media

    life in the studio through the eyes of social media

  • contact us

    don't be afraid to reach out. you + us = awesome.

    Fahrenheit Performance
    101 Irrawaddy Rd 15-13/14
    Royal Square @ Novena
    MON - FRI 9:00AM -6:00PM
    +65 6734-3421 ..( Main Phone ) .. +65 8631-1535 ..( WhatsApp )..
  • connect with us

    here's where you can find us

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